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What if the healthy choice for your loved one isn't you?
A Tale of Two Women Surviving a Culture of Fast & Cheap Dating

2022 Grindstone Literary Novel Prize finalist

IN THE fictional PRESS

My Story
I admit it: I'm a fictional author. My day job (using my real name) is practicing juvenile law.
Before JUNK LOVE, I considered writing a nonfiction purity book after my cancer scare; I wanted to leave something for my pre-teen daughter just in case.
But when Holly's and Cora's stories pulled at my proverbial pant legs, I had to write a novel about them instead.
Glorifying God is my top priority, so I hope I don't cause offense with the rare four-letter words and the sexy bits.
For readers who aren't sure about the whole God thing, please know that thumping you over the head with any book is not my intent. We share more than one kind of journey. But the spiritual ones are arguably the best.
Can I get fries with that?
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